Promises Kept: New England GOP Governors Continue To Stand Up For Taxpayers

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Governor Charlie Baker Stands Up Against Tax Hikes In Massachusetts

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Top Dem Gov Candidate Setti Warren Drops Out of Massachusetts Gov Race

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GOP Governor Charlie Baker’s High Approval Ratings Put Him in Strong Position For Re-Election In Massachusetts

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Boston Herald: Future Looks “Bleak” For Democrats Challenging Gov. Charlie Baker

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New Rankings: Under GOP Governor Charlie Baker, Massachusetts Named Best State For Business

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New Poll: GOP Governor Charlie Baker Once Again Rated As America’s Most Popular Governor

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AP: With Sky-High Approval Ratings, GOP Governors Are ‘Thriving’ In Blue States

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Washington Times: New England’s Popular GOP Governors Are In Strong Position For Reelection

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GOP Governor Charlie Baker Builds Massive Fundraising Advantage Over Dem Opponents

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