RGA Launches First TV Ad In Nevada Governor’s Race: “Higher Taxes”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association launched its first television advertisement in the Nevada governor’s race today, highlighting Democrat Steve Sisolak’s record of supporting tax hikes on Nevada families.

“As a Clark County Commissioner, Steve Sisolak voted repeatedly to raise taxes and fees on Nevada families,” said RGA Communications Director Jon Thompson. “Now that he’s running for governor, Sisolak is threatening to impose even more tax hikes, including hiking taxes on Nevadans’ homes. Sisolak says every tax hike is ‘on the table’ and make no mistake, that’s one promise Sisolak would keep.”

Watch the new RGA Nevada TV Ad here: youtu.be/GoclKvizQIw.


What do we really know about Steve Sisolak?

We know he likes to raise taxes, a lot.

As County Commissioner, Steve Sisolak repeatedly voted to raise taxes and fees.

And when he was University Regent, student tuition doubled.

Now Steve Sisolak wants to raise taxes again as governor.

Even hiking property taxes on your home.

Listen to this promise:

“Everything is on the table.”

With a record like his, that’s one promise Steve Sisolak will keep.