CEOs Rank Bill Walker’s Alaska As One of the Worst States For Business In America

Embattled Governor Bill Walker is once again receiving poor marks for his failed leadership on Alaska’s declining economy.

According to a recent report from Chief Executive Magazine, Alaska is one of the worst states for business in America. The analysis comes after recent reports from U.S. News & World Report and Business Insider found Walker’s economy is the worst in the nation.

This dismal business climate created by Walker’s failed policies, including repeated multi-billion dollar deficits and numerous credit downgrades, helps explain why Alaska remains in an economic “crisis” that is having a devastating impact on the people of the state. Tragically, because of Walker’s “crisis,” Alaska continues to suffer from the lowest wage and salary growth in the country, as well as the highest jobless rate in the nation.

Alaskans deserve better than this. It’s time for a fresh start in the governor’s office.