Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead: States with Republican Governors Are Moving in the Right Direction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association today launched the next video of the American Comeback project, a national advertising effort designed to tell the success stories and accomplishments of Republican governors.

This week, the American Comeback project features Governor Matt Mead of Wyoming. Governor Mead values his roots on a Wyoming ranch, and with his eye on the next generation, he is applying conservative principles to lead the state to a future as promising and secure as when he grew up.

You can view Governor Mead’s video here: http://www.rga.org/americancomeback/matt-mead/

“I grew up in Jackson Hole, right at the base of the Tetons, on a ranch. It was homesteaded by my grandparents,” said Governor Mead. “I was in rodeo. I did a lot of horse breaking with varying degrees of success, and varying amounts of getting bucked off. And life back then, it was a wonderful thing. “

“I think the driving force for Wyoming is as good as we have it today, we know that tomorrow is another opportunity to get up, do a better job, and hopefully every day make a little improvement, not only for this generation, but for the next generation,” said Governor Mead. “I don’t think Washington knows what’s best for Wyoming. The fact is rural Wyoming is a much different place than many other states. “

“Wyoming is on a comeback. And as you look at various states where Republican governors provide leadership, those states are moving in the right direction in spite of what Washington D.C., has been doing,” Governor Mead continued. “Answers aren’t coming from Washington. Republican governors are driving America’s comeback.”

The American Comeback project will grow to include more videos focused on individual Republican governors, their personal journeys and the progress they’ve made toward bringing prosperity to their states.

You can view previously released American Comeback videos featuring Republican governors here: http://www.rga.org/americancomeback/the-american-comeback/.