“I want Joe Biden here every week!”

Photo credit: David Kosling via Flicker

“I want Joe Biden here. If he’ll come every week, I’d love to do an event with him somewhere around the commonwealth of Virginia.”Terry McAuliffe, two and a half months ago.

Following last week’s admission that President Biden is seriously dragging him down in Virginia, McAuliffe has reversed course and announced a slate of heavy-hitters to try and save his flailing bid.

Stacey Abrams, Jill Biden…and now Barack Obama. Clearly, McAuliffe has asked the heaviest hitters of them all — the President and Vice President — to stay away from Virginia.

“The White House is worried about their chances in Virginia, and in a normal circumstance that would mean deploying the President to help save the day,” said RGA Spokeswoman Maddie Anderson. “McAuliffe and Co have clearly read the polls and asked Joe Biden to get out of their way and are asking every other Democrat superstar to campaign for him instead. No matter what he does, McAuliffe’s Biden problem isn’t going away: he’s been endorsed by the deeply unpopular President who abandoned Americans in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and implemented bad policies that sent crime and the cost-of-living skyrocketing. McAuliffe’s campaign is in crisis mode three weeks out from Election Day.”