Top Malloy Enabler Nancy Wyman Passes On Gov Bid In Connecticut, Leaving Democrats Without A Top-Tier Candidate

Democrat Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman became the latest casualty of Failed Governor Dan Malloy’s toxic record in Connecticut today, announcing that she will not run for the state’s highest office in 2018. Democrats had been waiting for months to see if Wyman, the party’s only remaining top-tier candidate available, would enter the race. But after spending nearly eight years as Malloy’s Chief Enabler, standing by his catastrophic tax-and-spend agenda, her ties to the failed governor would have proven too much for her candidacy to overcome.

With Attorney General George Jepsen, Comptroller Kevin Lembo, and even Malloy himself refusing to run, Wyman’s decision leaves Democrats without a top-tier candidate for 2018, stuck with a small group of second and third-choice Malloy Enablers who have already doubled-down on his disastrous tax hike agenda that has driven Connecticut into economic disaster.

Wyman’s decision to stay out of the Connecticut governor’s race further shows that Dan Malloy’s toxic legacy will be impossible for Democrats to overcome in 2018. After two terms that have been marked by stagnant economic growth, high profile business departures, routine credit downgrades, and costly budget crises, Connecticut is ready for new leadership to turn the page on the Malloy era.

The CT Mirror reports:

“Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman said Thursday she will not run for governor in 2018, ending months of personal contemplation and political calculation. Her decision deprives the Democratic Party of its highest-profile contender, while sparing it from a campaign that could have struggled to emerge from the shadow of an unpopular incumbent, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy.

Wyman, 71, is popular figure among Democratic insiders and the winner of six statewide elections, four as comptroller and two as lieutenant governor, said she finalized her decision Monday after months of talks with family and friends about the potential costs and benefits of trying to succeed Malloy as governor.

Her decision leaves Democrats with one declared candidate and four others who have raised significant funds through exploratory committees, but none has emerged as a front runner.”