Tina Kotek is on the wrong side of Measure 110

Photo credit: Craig Mitchelldyer, AP

According to a new letter authored by the Ontario City Council, Tina Kotek is on the wrong side of constituent requests for the repeal of Measure 110.

As reported by Argus Observer, the council is set to issue a letter to the state’s gubernatorial candidates in an attempt to help repeal Measure 110. The county district attorney and city police chief note the significant failure of the measure and their request to “reverse the decriminalization of drugs and return the addiction treatment funds.” They also identify the concern that the progressive measure that decriminalized drugs has attracted residents from neighboring states, contributing to the already prevalent and overbearing rate of abuse in Oregon cities.

In response to these concerns, the Democrat candidate Tina Kotek still wants to preserve the failed measure that has done nothing but exacerbate drug abuse and overdose deaths in the state, noting that “she isn’t ready to give up on 110.”

“Communities overrun with drug abuse caused by this failed measure implemented by Democrats Tina Kotek and Betsy Johson now know for certain that drug decriminalization is not the answer,” said RGA Spokeswoman Kaitlin Price. “From Measure 110, to the affordability crisis, to violent crime, Oregonians will not forget these leaders’ records that got the state to this point and put them on the wrong side of the issues they will be voting on this November.”