RGA Statement on Alabama Runoff

 GOP Nominee Dr. Robert Bentley to face Democrat Ron Sparks

Voters have selected Dr. Robert Bentley as the Republican nominee for governor of Alabama. Dr. Bentley will now face Democrat Ron Sparks in the general election in November. Tim Murtaugh, spokesman for the Republican Governors Association, today issued the following statement:

“As governor of Alabama, Dr. Robert Bentley will bring strong conservative fiscal policies to Montgomery, ensuring that taxes remain low and that businesses can thrive without the burdensome interference of excessive government regulations. Dr. Bentley understands that Alabama families and employers know better than government how to spend, save and invest the money they earn. He is the right leader for this time in Alabama’s history.

“On the other hand, Ron Sparks promises more of the same policies from President Obama and Washington, D.C. Democrats that Alabamans have rejected time and time again.

“We look forward to helping Dr. Robert Bentley to a great victory in November.”