RGA Releases Video Highlighting Trump-Pence Support For Eddie Rispone Ahead of Louisiana Debate

The Republican Governors Association (RGA), today released a new video ahead of the gubernatorial debate in the Louisiana governor’s race. The digital spot highlights Vice President Mike Pence’s recent visit to Baton Rouge and the Trump administration’s strong support for Eddie Rispone.

Campaigning with Rispone on Monday, the Vice President delivered the message that the Trump administration is fully committed to defeating tax-and-spend liberal John Bel Edwards and electing Eddie Rispone as the next governor of Louisiana.

Since his strong showing in the primary election, momentum has been on Rispone’s side. While Edwards is limping into the runoff, Republicans across the state have coalesced and solidified their support behind Eddie Rispone’s pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda. As noted by President Trump, Edwards has hammered Louisianans with tax increases, all while the state has failed to take advantage of a booming national economy.

“As we enter the final weeks of the runoff, Republicans are unified in an all-hands-on-deck effort to ensure Eddie Rispone is the next governor of Louisiana. Said RGA Communications Director Amelia Chassé Alcivar. “President Trump and Vice President Pence are committed to ensuring that liberal John Bel Edwards remains a one term governor, and electing proven job creator Eddie Rispone to right the ship and put Louisiana’s economy back on track.”