RGA Releases New TV Ad In New Hampshire Governor’s Race: “Troubling”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new television advertisement in the New Hampshire governor’s race today, highlighting Democrat Molly Kelly’s troubling record of slashing funding for at-risk families.

Watch the new RGA New Hampshire TV ad here: youtu.be/AHEJDwrnNBA

“Molly Kelly has a troubling record,” said RGA Spokesman John Burke. “Kelly voted to slash funding for at-risk families, leaving them with less access to childcare, counseling, and drug treatment. Molly Kelly has failed the people of New Hampshire and can’t be trusted to lead.”


Politician Molly Kelly, a troubling record

As a state senator, Molly Kelly voted to cut funding for child, youth, and families prevention programs by 33 percent

Slashed funding for childcare, counseling, even critical drug treatment programs

Kelly’s actions meant at-risk families and children fell through the cracks with devastating results

Molly Kelly failed us before, we can’t trust her as governor