RGA Releases New TV Ad In Colorado Governor’s Race: “Take It All Away”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new television advertisement in the Colorado governor’s race today, highlighting Democrat Jared Polis’s radical plan for a government takeover of health care.

Watch the new RGA Colorado TV Ad here: https://youtu.be/LVxcGpYi3Tc

“Jared Polis wants to take away Coloradans’ hard-earned health care benefits and force everyone onto a government-run system,” said RGA Spokesman David Weinman. “Polis’s radical government takeover would make employer coverage illegal, taking control away from Coloradans and their doctors. Colorado needs a pragmatist like Walker Stapleton who will protect Coloradans’ health care benefits – not a radical like Jared Polis who wants to take them away.”


You work so you can live.

You earn your benefits, like good health coverage from your job.

But politician Jared Polis would take it all away.

Jared Polis has a plan to force everyone onto government health care.

Polis would make your employer coverage illegal.

Taking control of your health care away from you and your doctor.

The Polis Plan is radical.

But Walker Stapleton led the fight to reject government health care in Colorado.



Walker Stapleton.