RGA Releases New Ad in Vermont

The Republican Governors Association today released a new television advertisement in Vermont. 

“From tax hikes on the middle class to plum appointments for political allies, the only thing that sways Peter Shumlin is money,” said RGA spokesman Chris Schrimpf.  “Shumlin admitted to being influenced by political contributions.  With those special deals for his allies, no wonder he tried to raise taxes on everyone else.”

In addition to being involved in a clear conflict of interest with a major benefactor who received millions in benefits from the state, Shumlin has also been named the most ethically challenged legislator in Montpelier by those who know him best.

A transcript of the ad is below. 

Can we trust anything Peter Shumlin says?

A Democrat senator testified that Shumlin killed a bill for fear of losing campaign donations.

Shumlin admitted he was influenced by big money.

And who could forget the $4.3 million in tax credits awarded to his political friend, who gave him thousands in campaign donations.

To top it off, Shumlin was voted the most ethically challenged legislator in Montpelier.

Peter Shumlin can’t be trusted to do the right thing.