RGA Releases New Ad in the South Carolina Governor’s Race: “ObamaCare and Vincent Sheheen: Wrong For South Carolina”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new television advertisement today in the South Carolina governor’s race featuring Mary Hagan, a South Carolina mother of two whose family is feeling the weight of ObamaCare, a failing law that Democrat candidate for governor Vincent Sheheen continues to champion.

You can view the ad here: http://youtu.be/o_RdUC_qtJs

“South Carolinians are taking a huge hit at the hands of Vincent Sheheen, a Democrat whose blind loyalty to the Party has led him to ignore ObamaCare’s failures, imposing the law on those who need care most despite the heavy burdens it’s sure to place on them,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “People like Mary, whose family relies on dependable, quality health care, can’t trust ObamaCare, and they certainly can’t trust its devoted cheerleader in South Carolina, Vincent Sheheen.”