RGA Releases First Ad in New Hampshire

The Republican Governors Association released a television ad in New Hampshire today.  The ad can be viewed at http://rga.cc/x3wn.

“After three terms in office John Lynch has gotten too comfortable with the people’s money,” said RGA Spokesman Chris Schrimpf.  “He balances the state budget on the backs of future taxpayers.  It’s a scheme that only a governor who’s been in office too long could devise.”

Under John Lynch, state spending has increased by over $1 billion leading his administration to borrow money and to raid money from funds dedicated to a specific purpose.  All the spending and borrowing has resulted in an estimated 2012-13 budget shortfall of over $500 million.

A transcript of the ad is below.

I think John Lynch is a very nice man.  Unfortunately, he has not been able to say “no” to the Legislature and stop the spending.

Even after the state Supreme Court said it’s unconstitutional, Governor Lynch is still trying to steal our private property to balance his bloated, over-spent budget.

 My kids are going to wind up paying for John Lynch’s inability to say no.

If I ran my business the way John Lynch runs a state, I’d be out of business.