RGA Re-Launches Ad In The Arkansas Governor’s Race: “Record”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association re-launched a television advertisement today in the Arkansas governor’s race, which sheds light on Democrat Mike Ross’ far-left, unabashedly liberal record in Congress. The ad previously aired on Arkansas television, but is part of a new ad buy.

You can view the ad here: http://youtu.be/sy4QioPmSJU

“It’s laughable that Mike Ross continues to paint himself as an independent,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “His record in Congress is rife with examples of his blind allegiance to Nancy Pelosi, President Obama and other big-spending Washington liberals. From day one, Ross was eager to support their failed policies and every dollar they recklessly overspent. Come November, Arkansas voters will see right through Mike Ross’ attempts to cloak his liberal agenda with fallacies of independence.”
