RGA Launches New TV Ad in Georgia: Results

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association launched a new TV ad in Georgia today, titled “Results.” The ad contrasts the work Brian Kemp puts in every day as Governor while the likely Democratic nominee Stacey Abrams seeks fortune and fame.

The new ad is part of the RGA’s continued investment in Georgia.  It will air in the Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, and Augusta media markets and statewide on cable.


“Stacey Abrams traveled everywhere but Georgia in search of personal fame and fortune, ignoring the people she claims to want to represent,” said RGA Spokeswoman Maddie Anderson. “Governor Brian Kemp is a battle-tested leader for Georgia’s hardworking families, who lowers taxes, tackles crime, and gives parents a say in their child’s education. For Kemp, it’s always Georgia first. Stacey Abrams cannot say the same.”

“Results” Transcript:

While some traveled the world seeking fame, promoting their businesses, putting themselves first…

Georgia had a leader here at home working hard, solving problems, getting results: Governor Brian Kemp.

Helping families make ends meet by lowering taxes and creating good paying jobs, easing the burden at the gas pump, giving parents more control of their kids education, fighting to reduce crime.

Through all the challenges we’ve faced, Brian Kemp has always put Georgia first.