RGA Launches First TV Ad In Colorado Governor’s Race: “RadiCalifornia”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association launched its first television advertisement in the Colorado governor’s race today, highlighting Democrat Jared Polis’s support of radical far-left policies that would turn Colorado into California.

“Jared Polis is committed to a radical left-wing agenda that has already failed in California,” said RGA Communications Director Jon Thompson. “Just like California’s far-left politicians, Polis would raise taxes to unaffordable levels, put tens of thousands of energy jobs at risk, and impose massive spending schemes that would bankrupt the state. Coloradoans can’t afford to jeopardize their unique way of life to become just another failed radical far-left experiment.”

Watch the new RGA Colorado TV Ad “RadiCalifornia” here: https://youtu.be/KthCzsGAMnQ


Radical. Now add this.


That’s what you get when you bring radical left-wing policies to your state.

Ah. Policies that already failed in California.

Yeah. Jared Polis wants to turn Colorado into Rad-i-cal-i-for-nia. Polis wants higher taxes. Polis wants to put tens of thousands of energy jobs at risk. And you can forget fixing our traffic problems.

Hmm. Don’t let Jared Polis turn Colorado into California.