RGA Launches First Ad In The Wisconsin Governor’s Race: “Backwards”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association launched a new television advertisement today in the Wisconsin governor’s race which highlight’s Democrat Mary Burke’s background as a product of the failed Doyle administration, a period of time where major job loss, crippling tax hikes and a huge budget shortfall took Wisconsin in the wrong direction.

You can view the ad here: http://youtu.be/vrL7jdCEaLc

“Mary Burke’s campaign for governor has been based on her experience as a senior member of a job-killing, budget-busting, big government administration that represents the failed policies of the past,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “Voters had enough of the Doyle/Burke agenda, and now Wisconsin is on the right path under Governor Scott Walker. Mary Burke won’t share her platform, promises or plans, but her past clearly shows the direction she would take the state:  backwards.”