RGA Launches First Ad In The Michigan Governor’s Race: “The Schauer is Over”

RGA Launches First Ad In The Michigan Governor’s Race: “The Schauer is Over”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association launched its first television advertisement today in the Michigan governor’s race. The ad draws stark contrast between the dark days of Michigan’s past – when Democrat Mark Schauer stood by and allowed vast overspending, high taxes and government debt to weigh heavy on Michigan families – and the brighter days of today’s Michigan under Rick Snyder: a state in the midst of a comeback.

You can view the ad here: http://youtu.be/PJut_fYHRJU

“It wasn’t long ago that Michigan was in serious trouble. For years, tax-and-spend politicians like Democrat Mark Schauer governed with reckless disregard for the state’s future, wreaking havoc on Michigan’s bottom line and squandering its economic potential,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “Now, the gloom that once hung over Michigan is gone, and the state is on its way back thanks to Governor Rick Snyder’s policies. Mark Schauer had a chance to create a better Michigan and failed. A record like his doesn’t deserve a second chance.”