RGA Launches Ad in New Jersey Governor’s Race: Barbara Buono: Taking New Jersey Backwards

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Republican Governors Association launched its first television advertisement in the New Jersey governor’s race highlighting Democratic candidate Barbara Buono’s consistent record of raising taxes. The ad can be viewed here: http://goo.gl/F8wDF

“After failing to recruit any of their top choices to run, Democrats are now stuck with Barbara Buono’s record of voting to raise taxes 154 times while overseeing out-of-control spending,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “Barbara Buono’s failed policies of higher taxes, increased spending and deeper debt would take New Jersey backwards and erase the progress Governor Christie has accomplished.”


Barbara Buono by the numbers:

As a Trenton politician, she voted to raise taxes 154 times.

Under her, property taxes up 70 percent.

Backed a 16 percent sales tax increase.

Utilities, nursing homes, cell phones, parking lots, lottery wins, gyms – She taxed them all.

Architect of Corzine’s budget, she drove New Jersey $2 billion into debt.

Barbara Buono by the numbers: taking New Jersey backwards.

