RGA Exposes Failed Records of Joyce Craig and Cinde Warmington

Sites highlight Joyce Craig and Cinde Warmington’s incompetent leadership and massive failures 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association (RGA) today launched two new websites that highlight the truth about the failed records of New Hampshire’s Democrat gubernatorial candidates, Joyce Craig and Cinde Warmington.

When New Hampshire voters head to VisitCraigville.com and CindesSecrets.com they’ll get the real truth about Joyce Craig and Cinde Warmington and see that mismanagement of epic proportions, tax hikes, sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, and defending opioid manufacturers were all in a day’s work for these two gubernatorial candidates in their past careers.

Highlights about Joyce Craig on VisitCraigville.com include: 

As mayor, Joyce Craig repeatedly failed to effectively act on the homelessness crisis in Manchester and enacted policies that made the problem worse, resulting in a large homeless encampment in Manchester referred to as “Craigville.”

Joyce Craig operated Manchester as a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, a “welcoming city” where police did not check immigration status. Craig has opposed legislation to prevent cities and towns from adopting sanctuary city policies and wants to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

As mayor, Joyce Craig torpedoed Manchester’s finances, leaving a budget hole of millions of dollars in her wake. Craig also used millions of dollars in federal funds meant to help communities recover after the COVID-19 pandemic as a slush fund to hire new city employees and to rebrand the city via a marketing campaign.

During her time in city government, Joyce Craig has repeatedly supported raising taxes on the residents of Manchester. Craig even backed budgets that relied on overriding the tax cap, which limits the amount of taxes that can be raised.

Joyce Craig is just fine with forcing students to remain trapped in failing school systems. Manchester schools significantly lag behind the state average in reading, math, and science proficiency, yet Craig opposes programs to help families choose the best schools for their children.

Highlights about Cinde Warmington on CindesSecrets.com include:

Cinde Warmington worked as a lobbyist for Purdue Pharma, the company that fueled the opioid crisis, and even served as a lawyer for a pain clinic and doctors accused of worsening the drug epidemic. She once described Oxycontin – a drug responsible for ruined lives and senseless deaths – as a “miracle drug” with “very few side effects.”

Warmington would allow cities in New Hampshire to act as sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants. Warmington would let New Hampshire turn into Massachusetts.

Cinde Warmington’s green energy plan is more aggressive than Massachusetts’. Warmington wants to phase out home heating oil and gas cars in the next 15 years, which would raise the costs to heat a home, buy a car, or drive to work.

Cinde Warmington said she would commute the sentence of a convicted cop killer on death row.
