RGA Co-Chair Governor Doug Ducey On Governor Baker’s Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced he will not seek a third term, the Republican Governors Association released the following statement from RGA Co-Chair Governor Doug Ducey:

“Charlie Baker has accomplished so much on behalf of his constituents in Massachusetts, and I’m incredibly proud to have worked closely with him at the Republican Governors Association for the last 7 years.

“No matter the issue, whether it was how to handle the Covid-19 pandemic or how to boost economic recovery, Charlie has always been a valuable resource for us as governors. His success is proof Republicans are able to win and govern successfully in any state, no matter how blue it might be.

“Had he chosen to seek a third term I have no doubt he would have easily been re-elected because the voters recognize what a strong leader he has been for their state. We wish him and his family the best in whatever life brings him next.”