Quick Fact Check on Betsy’s New Ad

Photo credit: Kaylee Domzalski, OPB

Quick fact checks on Betsy Johnson’s new ad:

I refuse to stand by while Oregon goes to hell in a handbasket.”
Betsy has been in public office for decades and has yet to deliver real outcomes on the biggest issues that have sent the state into decline. From her votes on restricting police to removing minimum bail requirements, violent crime and lawless acts have only gotten worse and increased in frequency.

There’s no D after my name.
Betsy Johnson voted in lockstep with Democrat Tina Kotek and other Democrats in the legislature for many years. From tax increases to her soft on crime approach to legislating, Betsy will never escape her liberal Democrat record.

Loyal only to the people, not any political extreme or special interest.
Look no further than her attempt to pass the costs of her own mistakes onto taxpayers to see that Betsy will always choose her own best interest over that of hardworking Oregonians.

“Oregonians know Betsy Johnson’s MO is saying one thing and doing another,” said RGA Spokeswoman Kaitlin Price. “Johnson won’t ever be able to run fast enough to escape her record riddled with votes for far-left priorities and her panders to special interests. She can claim she’s for the people, but Oregonians know the truth: Betsy is no different than Kate Brown and Tina Kotek. All three Democrats are responsible for the failed policies that have left the state behind.”