Peter Shumlin Says to Judge Him on His Record

The Republican Governors Association today launched its second television advertisement in Vermont.  The first ad highlighted Brian Dubie’s vision for Vermont and can be found at

The new ad takes Peter Shumlin up on his request that he be judged on his record.  Peter Shumlin has a long record of support for higher taxes on the people of Vermont.  Again and again, Shumlin has voted for tax increases.   As a proud author of Act 60, he’s raised Vermont’s property taxes, last year he fought to increase taxes by $20 million, and this year he voted to raise taxes on farmers and manufacturers.

“Peter Shumlin asked to be judged on his record,” said RGA spokesman Chris Schrimpf.  “That’s an offer Vermont voters shouldn’t refuse.  Shumlin has a history of supporting tax hike after tax hike that his state simply cannot afford.”

 A transcript of the ad is below.  The ad can be viewed here.

 Peter Shumlin: “I ask you not to judge us by our rhetoric, but by our record.”

 VO: Well, as a proud architect of Act 60, he’s raised your property taxes.  Last year, Shumlin led the effort to raise over twenty-million dollars in taxes on the working families of Vermont.  This year he voted to raise taxes again, on farmers and manufacturers. Leaders should be creating jobs, not raising taxes. He says to judge him on his record.  So call Peter Shumlin and tell him: “we’ve had enough.”