Perennial Losing Candidate and Malloy Enabler Ned Lamont Considers Gubernatorial Run In Connecticut

As Connecticut Democrats continue their search for someone to pin their hopes on for the 2018 gubernatorial election after Failed Governor Dan Malloy all of their other top-tier recruits declined to enter the race, the party is now looking at perennial losing candidate Ned Lamont. But with Lamont’s history of enabling Malloy’s failed policies, silence on the past 7 years of disastrous policies by Democrats, and record of losses in statewide elections, his candidacy would only further hurt their chances of victory.

After losing two statewide races in 2006 and 2010, Lamont endorsed Dan Malloy for governor in 2010, pledging to do “to do everything to unite” behind Malloy and becoming one of his chief backers in the election. With Lamont’s support, Malloy went on to impose catastrophic tax hikes and regressive anti-business policies that resulted in repeated credit downgrades, high-profile business departures, costly budget crises, and the highest unemployment rate in the region. Instead of fighting for the people of Connecticut, Lamont chose to become complicit in Malloy’s disaster.

After nearly eight years of economic decline under Democrat control, the last thing Connecticut needs is another Malloy Enabler like Ned Lamont to give his failed agenda a third term. Lamont has proven that he stands with the disastrous policies of Dan Malloy and cannot be trusted to get Connecticut back on the right track.