OUCH – Teachers Walk Out On Maryland Dem Gov Candidate Rushern Baker

In another bad sign for Maryland Democrats, gubernatorial candidate Rushern Baker was dealt a potentially crippling and deeply humiliating blow to his candidacy this weekend.

Baker was slated to introduce himself to teachers at the Maryland State Education Association’s annual conference. But before he could deliver his completed remarks, teachers walked out on him in protest.

The Washington Post reports, “Dozens of Prince George’s County teachers walked out in protest when County Executive Rushern L. Baker III (D) was introduced to address the Maryland State Education Association at its annual convention.”

We weren’t going to listen to his garbage,” said the President of the Prince George’s County Educators’ Association.

Watch teachers walk out on Baker here.

To make matters worse, Baker has managed to alienate not only teachers unions – but also hardworking taxpayers.

In his remarks, Baker lauded his successful attempt at raising property taxes in Prince George’s county – an anathema to Marylanders still recovering from Martin O’Malley’s tax hikes.

The Baltimore Sun reports, “[Baker] pointed out that he proposed an unpopular 15 percent increase in Prince George’s property tax to send more resources to schools. A 4 percent tax increase was eventually approved.”

In one weekend, Rushern Baker managed to embarrass himself, anger teachers unions and anger taxpayers. It doesn’t bode well for his fledgling campaign.