Not Ready ’18: Iowa Democrat Gubernatorial Field Defined By Inexperience

With Iowa trending red, the Democratic Party is having trouble fielding top-tier candidates for governor – and their inexperience is showing.

Take candidate Fred Hubbell, whose campaign has so far been defined by misleading attacks on Iowa’s top-ranked mental healthcare system.

Asked by KBUR what he would do differently, Hubbell reportedly said that that “He is not ready to make specific proposals.”

Hubbell is “not ready” to provide his own proposals because he doesn’t have any constructive ideas to offer Iowa, only desperate attacks.

And when Iowa Democratic gubernatorial candidates do offer specific proposals, they seem to fly in the face of common sense. For instance, gubernatorial candidate Cathy Glasson is proposing that Iowa run its own socialized healthcare system, which would force a massive $12 billion tax increase on Iowa families.

Fred Hubbell and Cathy Glasson are proving that Iowa Democrats are just “not ready” for primetime.