New RGA Web Video: Gov. John Kasich Brews Success In Ohio

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new web video today featuring the Mt. Carmel Brewing Company, a Cincinnati small business growing, hiring, and succeeding thanks to the business-friendly environment Governor John Kasich has created in Ohio.

Before Kasich took office, high taxes and outdated government regulations inhibited the craft brewery from meeting the demands of their rapidly expanding business. But now, under Governor Kasich, government works as a partner to small business, not an obstacle, and Mt. Carmel Brewing Company is flourishing as a result.

You can view the video here:

“This is a story of a small business prospering in the wake of smaller, more efficient government, and all across the country, Republican governors are providing these same growth opportunities to more and more businesses through common sense tax and regulatory reform,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “Governor Kasich is leading on this front in Ohio, where businesses large and small are encouraged to invest in the state, fueling its economic revival to the tune of over 235,000 new private sector jobs. The environment of confidence Governor Kasich has created for business owners in Ohio makes certain his state will continue to drive America’s comeback.”