New RGA Web Video: “Crist-Morgan for Florida?”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new web video today that highlights John Morgan, a close political ally of Charlie Crist and rumored-to-be potential appointee, on an all-out, profanity-laced tirade in an attempt to drum up votes for Crist.

You can watch the video here:

“Charlie Crist’s campaign, in an ongoing struggle to gain traction, is putting big-time trial lawyer John Morgan on the stump. With little to say about Crist’s record, Morgan resorted to drunken obscenities to try to generate excitement about voting for the notorious political opportunist,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “If these are the political allies Crist keeps and would be willing to elevate to positions of authority, his judgment needs a serious course correction. Florida deserves better than that.”
