RGA Web Video: Governor Paul LePage Helps Mainers Live the American Dream

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Governors Association released a new web video today profiling Governor Paul LePage, one of 29 Republican governors leading the American Comeback. LePage’s young life was rife with hardship, but his commitment to hard work and his willingness to sacrifice brought him from the streets of Maine to a life in public service. Focused intently on achieving the American Dream, LePage was able to turn his life around just as he has turned his state around as governor.

The video features those who know Governor LePage best, telling the story of his personal comeback.

You can view the video here: youtu.be/oO0XbngbNlA

“Governor LePage’s story of overcoming adversity is an inspiring one. Once an underdog, LePage persisted when others may have given up, and today, as governor of Maine, he and his accomplishments serve as a great example of what can be achieved when sights are set on a better future,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “Under his leadership, Maine has become a better place to live, work, raise a family, and experience the American Dream. Governor LePage is leading the American Comeback.”