New RGA Ad Targets Patrick’s Taxing & Spending

Spending Up, Taxes Up, More Taxes Coming?

“Massachusetts can’t afford four more years of Deval Patrick.  Raising taxes and increasing government spending is exactly the wrong approach in a bad economy.  Even worse, he’s not ruling out more tax increases if reelected.”

– Tim Murtaugh, Republican Governors Association

The Republican Governors Association today launched a new television ad faulting Gov. Deval Patrick for driving Massachusetts into the economic ditch it currently occupies.  The 15-second spot, titled “Taxes,” cites Patrick’s record of increasing spending and raising taxes, also noting that he has refused to rule out future tax increases while jobs have been lost.  The Patrick ad can be viewed online by clicking here

“Massachusetts can’t afford four more years of Deval Patrick,” said Tim Murtaugh, spokesman for the Republican Governors Association. “Raising taxes and increasing government spending is exactly the wrong approach in a bad economy.  Even worse, he’s not ruling out more tax increases if reelected.” 

The Patrick spot is the fourth ad run by the RGA in a media campaign begun in April.  Previous ads have centered largely on Treasurer Tim Cahill, tying him to the continuing mess in Massachusetts state government.  Those ads can be viewed online at

“These two career Democrats have a lot in common,” Murtaugh said.  “They’re both Beacon Hill insiders, with Patrick taxing and spending wildly and Cahill making the problem worse by hiring his friends and defending his cronies.”