New RGA Ad: Strickland a Hypocrite on Trade Issues

The Republican Governors Association today launched a new television ad highlighting Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s hypocrisy on trade issues, China and outsourcing jobs to other countries. The ad can be found online at, along with previous RGA ads.

“Ted Strickland’s hypocrisy would be astounding if it weren’t so predictable,” said Mike Schrimpf, spokesman for the Republican Governors Association. “He is clearly just trying to divert attention from his own record.”

The ad features a kitchen conversation between a father and his daughter as they discuss Strickland’s latest television ad. The two observe that Strickland twice voted for favored nation status for China, and oversaw a state program that spent state stimulus money on a program that hired workers in El Salvador.

“Ted Strickland has failed Ohio over and over,” Schrimpf said. “Now he’s failed the credibility test as well.”