New Ad Warns Voters of Hobbs’ Policies that Make Life More Expensive

New Ad Warns Voters of Hobbs’ Policies that Make Life More Expensive

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The RGA Arizona PAC today released a new ad highlighting how Katie Hobbs repeatedly advocated and voted for policies that make life more expensive for Arizona families.


This ad will run as part of the $11 million RGA ad buy in Arizona.

“Joe Biden caused the cost of living in Arizona to skyrocket, but Katie Hobbs would be far worse for families’ pocketbooks,” said RGA spokesman Will Reinert. “Not only would people be forced to pay a new gas tax, but they would also receive a bill in the mail for every mile driven if tax and spend liberal Katie Hobbs was allowed to have her way.”

“Shannon” script:

I’m the working mother of two young kids.

With gas and grocery prices going up, my family’s budget is stretched to its limits…

…and that’s why I won’t vote for Katie Hobbs.

Voice over:  “Katie Hobbs voted against cutting Arizona’s income tax.

She sponsored legislation to create a new county gas tax on top of the state tax…

…and she wanted government bureaucrats to monitor your mileage…

…and tax you on every mile driven.”

Shannon: “Katie Hobbs will hurt families like mine.”