Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan Bans State Contracts With Firms Who Discriminate Against Israel

Maryland GOP Governor Larry Hogan took decisive action this week to stand up for the state of Israel and stand against discrimination. On Monday, Hogan signed an executive order banning state contracts with firms who discriminate against Israel – a tactic known as BDS.

Hogan’s decision to join other GOP governors in supporting Israel shows that Maryland will not condone discrimination against the Jewish people.

The Baltimore Sun reports,

“Gov. Larry Hogan signed an executive order Monday that requires all firms with state contracts to promise they will not boycott Israel.”

“Hogan, surrounded by local and national Jewish leaders, said he wants to send a message that Maryland supports the Jewish state and the economic ties between the two regions.”

“…Hogan said all future state contracts would require companies to certify they will not economically discriminate against Israel, and that if any current state contractors refuse to agree, ‘they would be terminated.’”