Maryland Dem Gov Candidates Won’t Say His Name, But Universally Back Failed Gov Martin O’Malley’s Disastrous Policies

Failed Governor Martin O’Malley, following his unpopular 40 increases in taxes, fees and tolls, was all but laughed out of Maryland ahead of his ill-fated Presidential run. Fearing the same fate as Anthony Brown, Democrat candidates for Governor now won’t even mention O’Malley’s name.

But as Maryland’s top political blog Maryland Reporter notes – Democrat candidates for governor are nevertheless embracing Martin O’Malley’s disastrous policies.

Maryland Reporter explains, prominently mentioned only once during the two-hour face off at the Germantown campus of Montgomery College was the two-term Democrat whom Hogan replaced and whose policies the candidates largely agreed with — Martin O’Malley.

For instance, candidate Alec Ross “mocked Hogan for lowering tolls on the Bay Bridge” – reversing O’Malley’s toll hikes, and Rushern Baker lauded O’Malley’s gas tax increase plan.

Democrats’ willingness to adopt Martin O’Malley’s failed policies shows just how out of touch their field of candidates is – they seemingly haven’t learned a thing after O’Malley’s tragic tenure as Governor.