MAKING IT WORSE: Pennsylvania Dem Gov Tom Wolf Borrows Billions To Cover Deficit

Under failed Democrat Governor Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania has gone years without a balanced budget, and Wolf’s latest budget impasse continues to drag on past the 100 day mark. Now, Wolf is engaging in a dangerous budgetary ploy that could hurt Pennsylvania for years – borrowing billions to cover deficits.

Over the weekend, the Associated Press provided an overview of Wolf’s plan, writing that Wolf is “working on a $2.2 billion budget-balancing strategy that relies heavily on borrowing to get the state through the year.”

The AP goes on to note that Wolf’s borrowing plan is widely regarded as “bad fiscal practice” and could make Pennsylvania’s problems even worse.

“The state’s fiscal problems are tall. It suffered the biggest cash shortfall since the recession, compounding an entrenched post-recession deficit. Borrowing may make it worse: public finance analysts generally regard borrowing to pay operating costs as bad fiscal practice and a last resort.”

Pennsylvania deserves better than Tom Wolf’s inability to truly balance the budget and penchant for reckless fiscal mismanagement.