Where is Kelly on Biden’s Inflation-Raising Loan Forgiveness?

Photo credit: Charlie Riedel, AP

Joe Biden just took what even Obama’s economic advisors are calling a “reckless” step to forgive student loan debt. A move that is sure to increase inflation and could cost taxpayers over $2,000 each, regardless of whether they ever took out a student loan or have any remaining student loan debt.

Derek Schmidt was quick to weigh in on Democrats’ plan calling it “shameless,” “unfair,” and out-of-touch as Americans across the country already struggle with the rising cost of living due to Biden’s inflation. But so far, Democrat Laura Kelly is silent.

“Biden’s latest giveaway could cost Kansans taxpayers over $2,000 each, in addition to the extra $8,600 his record-high inflation has already cost Americans over the past year,” said RGA spokesperson Joanna Rodriguez. “If Laura Kelly supports this then she’s on the hook for every cost of living increase that comes as a consequence of her Party’s reckless and dangerous spending.”