Illinois Dem Gov Candidate Chris Kennedy Proposes A “Basket of Taxes”

In Illinois, Democrat gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy has made tax hikes the key tenet of his campaign, promising to push a “basket of taxes” if elected, which would impose an unaffordable tax burden on Illinois families. His outspokenness on tax issues earned him bad headlines last week after it was revealed that he had attempted to personally profit from the same property tax appeal system that he has railed against on the campaign trail. Kennedy is making it clear to voters that he would force them to pay more and take Illinois backwards.

The Journal Standard reports:

“The 1970 Illinois Constitution says that ‘The State has the primary responsibility for financing the system of public education,’ but that is not defined. It has been interpreted by most people to mean 50 percent or more, although the current funding level is about 25 percent.

That doesn’t affect wealthy school districts with high property values, but it hurts school districts in poorer areas, he said.

We asked how the formula should be changed.

Kennedy proposes ‘a basket of taxes including a graduated, progressive income tax.’ He does not think the school property tax should be eliminated completely, however.

That change has not happened, Kennedy charged, ‘because of a handful of (legislators) who make their money as property tax appeals lawyers.’”