Hobbs: 87k new IRS agents to bring billions to AZ

Photo credit: Ross D. Franklin—AP

Last night at the AZ Chamber of Commerce Gubernatorial Forum, Hobbs announced her support of the President Biden’s bill that will hire 87k new IRS agents to audit low and middle income Arizona families.

“I’m grateful for the billions of dollars coming to Arizona [from the audits being done by 87k new IRS agents]” — Katie Hobbs
Remember, at least $20 billion of the revenue Democrats hope to collect from taxpayers with a supercharged IRS would come from lower- and middle-income earners and small businesses, according to analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. That’s in addition to existing audits of these income levels.

“Katie Hobbs never met a tax hike she didn’t support,” said RGA spokesman Will Reinert. “No wonder Hobbs felt so uncomfortable being around job creators that she made a mad dash for the exits after her speaking portion was complete, refusing to answer a simple softball question from a local reporter.”