Higher Prices, Worse Roads

Photo Credit: Dale Young

13,000 lane miles fixed. That’s the number Gretchen Whitmer wants you to remember.

Sounds nice, but here are the facts: there are over 86,000 federal aid lane miles in Michigan, of which only 25% are rated in good condition, per Whitmer’s administration.

Whitmer’s “success” story accounts for merely 15% of federal aid roads, not to mention the 165,000 local non-federal aid roads that aren’t included, of which 50% are in poor condition.

Whitmer’s solution? Increase gas taxes by 160% and take out billions of dollars in unfunded bonds, while record gas prices and inflation set off a recession.

“Gretchen Whitmer broke her damn promise and Michigan’s roads and bridges continue to deteriorate at an accelerated rate, despite Whitmer saddling future generations with billions of dollars in debt,” said RGA Spokesman Chris Gustafson. “While Whitmer takes her ‘victory’ lap on Michigan’s pothole filled freeways, Michigan’s roads are getting worse and motorists are paying for it with over $4,000 per year in auto repairs brought on by Whitmer’s broken promise.”