GOP Momentum in New Hampshire: Chris Sununu Surges In Governor’s Race

New Hampshire GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Chris Sununu enjoyed multiple positive headlines this weekend, having been endorsed by both The Nashua Telegraph and The Portsmouth Herald. 

The Nashua Telegraph noted that “Sununu is a serious candidate with a strong business record,” and The Portsmouth Herald praised Sununu’s “experience, courage & performance.”

In addition to these strong endorsements, a new poll out today from Inside Sources/New Hampshire Journal shows Sununu leading partisan political operative Colin Van Ostern, 45%-42%.

With less than 8 days until Election Day, Sununu is primed to win and give the state the fresh start it needs.

The New Hampshire Journal reports:

“The study also asked voters for their preferences in New Hampshire’s three-way race for Governor, between Republican Chris Sununu, Democrat Colin Van Ostern, and Libertarian candidate Max Abramson. Sununu held a lead over his opponents, with 45.2 percent versus 41.8 and 2.3 percent respectively, with 10.8 percent undecided.”