GOP Majority Leader: Washington Should Look To GOP Governors For Successful Ideas On Healthcare Reform

Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is calling on Washington to look to Republican governors for successful ideas on healthcare reform.

In a letter to governors, Congressman McCarthy requested workable ideas from the states that Washington can adopt – ideas on healthcare reform and how to best handle repealing Obamacare.

Over the past 8 years, President Obama’s White House has ignored the positive results from Republican governors and failed to follow their lead. With Republican control of Washington, look for that to quickly change.

ABC 23 reports:

Congressman Kevin McCarthy along with other chairmen sent a letter to state governors and insurance commissioners requesting ideas for how to reform the health care system and expressing their views on Obamacare.

The letter stated the following:

“Obamacare is crumbling under its own weight and seriously harming people in the process. With a unified Republican Congress and Administration, we have the opportunity to repeal this law and undertake major health care reforms. Because governors and state insurance commissioners are on the ground and see Obamacare’s problems every day, I and several House chairmen have sent a letter requesting their thoughts on what we need to do to deliver high quality and affordable health care to the American people.”

The letter asked questions to create open dialogue on healthcare in the U.S.