Fried’s Hispanic Outreach Struggles Continue 🍿

Photo credit: Steve Cannon, AP

Florida Democrats’ “hemorrhaging of the Hispanic vote” seemed to be top of mind at their annual conference this weekend. A concern that continues to be aggravated by their only statewide elected official Nikki Fried.

Fried has been less than subtle about her efforts to target Hispanic voters, yet those efforts continue to be handicapped by one misstep after another:

“Anyone who still doesn’t understand why Florida Democrats are ‘hemorrhaging’ Hispanic voters should look no further than the only statewide elected Democrat Nikki Fried,” said RGA spokesperson Joanna Rodriguez. “Fried misappropriates and belittles the experiences of Florida’s victims of Cuban communism, intentionally tries to mislead Spanish-language voters about her politics, and now has an advisor willing to threaten any Spanish-language outlet that scrutinizes Fried’s record.”