Florida Dem Gov Candidate Gwen Graham Claims She Doesn’t Play Politics Right After Issuing Political Attack

Florida Democrat gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham continues to show that she is a typical politician who says one thing, but does another.

Over the last few months, Graham has repeatedly been caught failing to live up to her own rhetoric. When asked about these repeated episodes of hypocrisy, Graham refused to provide an explanation because she “doesn’t play politics.”

But, ironically, only the night before she attempted to portray herself as above the fray, Graham was busy playing politics at a fundraiser, accusing her opponent, Philip Levine, of trying to buy the primary and suggesting that he can’t win the general election.

The gap between Graham’s disingenuous rhetoric and her hypocritical conduct explains why she is struggling to attract support amid embarrassingly low name recognition and lackluster fundraising numbers. Floridians deserve better.