Dem Gov Gina Raimondo Continues To Lose Support From Big Labor In Rhode Island

With new reports that union leaders are working with the state’s Democrat-controlled General Assembly to override one of her legislative vetoes, Big Labor continues to sour on Democrat Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo. The news comes as the Executive Director of Rhode Island’s National Education Association chapter has been actively looking for a primary challenger to Raimondo for 2018 and just days after he refused to rule out endorsing a Republican against her in the general election. As Raimondo’s relationship with Big Labor in Rhode Island continues to deteriorate after she relied on their support in 2014, she risks losing one of her key backers.

Rhode Island Public Radio reports:

“Rhode Island organized labor leaders are asking the General Assembly to override Gov. Gina Raimondo’s veto of legislation that would have kept public employee and teacher collective bargaining contracts in effect while a new contract is under negotiation…

Council 94 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the largest state employee union, today asked members to contact their lawmakers  and urge them to support a veto override. The message was sent to members by J. Michael Downey, Council 94 president…

House Speaker Nick Mattiello, D-Cranston, has met with labor leaders to discuss the issue, including state AFL-CIO President George Nee, and Robert Walsh, executive director of the National Education Association – Rhode Island, the big teachers union, according to Larry Berman, the speaker’s spokesman…

…labor leaders said all the measure does is require both sides in a protracted contract dispute to keep negotiating until an agreement is reached. The terms of the previous contract would remain in effect until that happens.”