Dem Civil War: Tom Perriello Attacks McAuliffe, Northam As “Same Status Quo”

Failed former congressman Tom Perriello is willing say or do anything to out-left his opponent Ralph Northam for the Democrat gubernatorial nomination in Virginia, even if it means attacking him and the Commonwealth’s incumbent Democrat governor. In an interview with The Loudoun Tribune, Perriello slammed Terry McAuliffe and Northam, labeling them as part of the “same status quo” devoid of any new ideas.

INTERVIEWER: “Gov. Terry McAuliffe and other high-profile Virginia Democrats have endorsed your primary opponent. How is that impacting campaign?”

PERRIELLO: “The establishment and consolidation around (Northam) has been super helpful to our campaign. I think it’s definitely something that has grabbed people’s attention that someone who doesn’t come from the same status quo is bringing new ideas to the table… Again, coming from outside the establishment a little bit, we’re not interested in those backroom deals to protect everyone’s ties to the new district maps…”

Perriello had previously refused to respond to attacks by McAuliffe and those he has called the establishment, but it’s now clear Perriello is ready to throw barbs even at his own party leaders and further the Democrat civil war in Virginia.

But while Perriello and Northam continue to try and prove who’s the most left-wing Democrat running for governor, they are convincing Virginians how unfit they both are to be the Commonwealth’s next governor. As they continue their race to the left in supporting far-left policies, they move further away from mainstream Virginians.