Dan Malloy’s Failed Legacy Will Hurt Connecticut Democrats In 2018

After years of endless tax hikes, stagnant job creation, business departures, and unprecedented economic migration away from the state, failed Democrat governor Dan Malloy has called it quits. Rather than face Connecticut voters to make the case for another four years of Democrat leadership, Malloy is giving up on running for a third term, leaving potential Democrat contenders saddled with his toxic legacy, which will be sure to negatively impact their electoral chances in 2018.

After almost eight years of Malloy and his Democrat allies in charge, Connecticut ranks43rd for business, 49th for pension funding, 43rd for economic growth and dead last for fiscal health. Key businesses like GE and Bristol Myers-Squibb have left the state and Connecticut residents have fled en masse, with over 30,000 residents leaving just last year. Malloy also leaves the state with a sky high budget deficit and crumbling infrastructure expected to cost the state billions to fix.

Dan Malloy and his fellow Connecticut Democrats’ failed leadership has left the state falling further behind. Democrats who have stood by his agenda for the last six years are now faced with the impossible task of explaining to voters why their catastrophic policies are any different than Malloy’s. Connecticut voters have seen firsthand the effects of Democrats policies under Dan Malloy and they will not vote for four more years of failed leadership.