Did Chris King Attack Running Mate Andrew Gillum As A Tallahassee Leader Who Used Public Office For Private Gain?

Now that he’s agreed to be Andrew Gillum’s running mate in the Florida governor’s race, Chris King needs to answer for whether he will stand by the core promises and principles of his Democrat primary campaign.

During his campaign, King pledged to voters that he’d end “how Tallahassee leaders have used public office for private gain.”

But Gillum is the textbook example of this type of “Tallahassee” leader.

Here are just a few examples of how Andrew Gillum has used his “public office for private gain:”

  • Gillum appears to have been caught accepting gifts, including Hamilton tickets, hotel rooms, and even a boat ride around New York City, from undercover FBI agents.
  • Gillum vacationed with Tallahassee lobbyists at a $1,400-a-night villa in Costa Rica.
  • Under his Mayorship, Gillum’s close friend and campaign treasurer, Adam Corey, received lucrative contracts from the city of Tallahassee.
  • Gillum was caught using “taxpayer funded software to send emails with political messages.”
  • Gillum has used an official City of Tallahassee Twitter account to promote his campaign.

King promised voters that he’d hold “Tallahassee leaders” like Gillum accountable for their corruption. If he refuses to call out Gillum for his repeated abuses of his public office, then he’s proven himself to be just another hypocritical politician.