Central Maine Power: $53 a month rate hike OTW

Photo credit: Robert F. Bukaty, AP

Maine families will feel the pain of Joe Biden’s and Janet Mills’ environmental agenda this winter as Central Maine Power and Versant Power announced that they expect the average family’s heating bill will increase by $53 a month.

Why? Natural gas prices doubled as the Biden administration implements their war on U.S. sourced energy, including the recently uncovered policy to “bankrupt” fossil fuel companies to help combat climate change.


“It’s going to be a cold Christmas, with few presents under the tree, as the costs of living in Maine under Joe Biden and Janet Mills keeps rising, said RGA spokesman Will Reinert. “As the spiking prices of groceries, gas, home heating, Christmas presents, used cars and housing shrink how far a paycheck will stretch, it is crystal clear Governor Mills doesn’t have a clue how to make things affordable for families.”