Cathy Glasson’s Iowa Dem Gov Campaign Unionizes – Will Other Dems Follow Her Lead?

Iowa Democrat gubernatorial candidate Cathy Glasson has rapidly been gaining support, raising significant campaign cash for her “upstart candidacy” and has upended Iowa’s Democrat primary.

Now Glasson, who is a union boss herself, has taken the unprecedent step of unionizing her campaign staff, becoming the first campaign in Iowa and the second in the entire country to do so.

The Gazette reports,
Democrat Cathy Glasson bills herself as the “bold progressive” in the race for her party’s nomination for governor.
That includes recognizing her campaign staff’s decision to unionize.
The staff voted unanimously Monday to join the Campaign Workers Guild, a union that represents the interests of political campaign workers across the country.
The Glasson campaign is the first in Iowa and just the second gubernatorial campaign in the nation to unionize.

With unions being one of the largest financial backers of Democrats in Iowa, the question becomes – will the other Democratic gubernatorial candidates follow Cathy Glasson’s lead and support their campaign staff’s unionization?

Fred Hubbell, Nate Boulton, Andy McGuire and John Norris should be asked if they will join Cathy Glasson and unionize their campaigns.  If they don’t support the unionization effort, why not?

Learn more about Cathy Glasson’s radical campaign at